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Important Notes, Definitions, and Disclaimers

Federal Financial Aid

  • No Direct Loan funds can be credited to a student's account without properly completing the online Loan Entrance Counseling and Direct Loan Master Promissory Note.
  • 学年贷款须分两次等额发放.
  • The amount listed for federal aid could decrease if the student receives additional scholarships or other resources.
  • Students who are seeking a degree may receive aid from only one institution during an academic term.
  • 你的奖励通知书表明你是否有资格参加联邦工作学习计划. 合格并不能保证你得到一个职位. 为了获得这些资金,你必须找到工作. 求职、求职和面试都是你职业教育的一部分. Search Student Employment for open positions on campus.
  • 所有的奖学金,除了联邦工作学习,都申请到学生的账户. Employment through work study program positions is NOT guaranteed and hours must be earned before a payroll check is produced. 工资支票在每月25日开具,并支付给学生.
  • 即使你不符合联邦工作学习的资格,你也可以在校园里找工作, 但就业的首要任务是给予那些有工作能力的人. Contact the Student Employment Office at 660.562.1140 or at if you have specific questions. 学生就业办公室也将在所有SOAR日期回答问题. Students intending to work on campus will be required to complete employment verification and authorization paperwork which will require presenting certain documents.

Admission-Based Merit Scholarships

  • Freshmen admission-based merit scholarships cannot be stacked with the each other (Provost Scholar, Dean's Scholar, Distinguished Scholar, Academic Excellence, Tower Scholar, University Scholar, and Northwest Merit). Maximum award is for four consecutive years.
  • The President's Scholarship will supersede the admission-based merit scholarships (Provost Scholar, Dean's Scholar, Distinguished Scholar, Academic Excellence, Tower Scholar, University Scholar, Northwest Merit, or Northwest Scholar).
  • Transfer admission-based merit scholarships cannot be stacked with each other (Transfer Distinguished, 转学奖学金(转学奖学金). Maximum award is for three consecutive years.
  • Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship will supersede the admission-based merit scholarships (Transfer Distinguished, Transfer Academic, or Transfer Merit).
  • 本科奖学金仅限于在学生的第一个本科课程期间使用.
  • Admission-based merit scholarships are not available to students enrolled in Online Professional programs.  更多关于这些项目费用的信息可以在
  • All scholarship recipients must be enrolled full-time (12 Northwest hours per semester) to receive University scholarships.
  • Students must be accepted for admission by specified dates before scholarship awards can be offered.
  • Admission-based merit scholarships have admission application deadline of May 1 to guarantee scholarship awards. 5月1日后完成入学申请的学生, 奖学金将视资金情况而定. 
  • Students participating in a study abroad program where fees are waived will not receive the Bearcat Advantage that semester.
  • Major-specific and private scholarship award amounts funded through the Northwest Foundation may fluctuate with funding availability.
  • Freshman President's and Northwest A+ scholarships are only available to students beginning in fall semester.
  • 可转换学分不包括AP、CLEP、军事或非分级学分.
  • 续签要求必须在学年顺序(秋季)内满足, 春季和/或夏季),以保持奖学金的连续颁发.
  • Northwest's scholarship programs are subject to change from year to year based on funding levels and University priorities. 而和记棋牌娱乐将尝试根据学生的入学年份来续签项目, the University cannot always guarantee this.
  • Bearcat Advantage获得西北地区132个学分的最高奖励.

Outside Resources

  • All financial assistance (including private scholarships and outside resources) reduces a student's total Northwest account balance before installment amount is calculated. 奖学金不支持分期付款.
  • 许多外部资源,如私人奖学金,职业康复等. are sometimes not awarded until a later date. 当和记棋牌娱乐收到这些奖项的通知时,将需要修改您的经济援助计划.
  • 您可能需要提供注册证明,如帐单副本, 在您的捐赠者发放资金之前,请填写课程时间表或最近的成绩. 请预留足够的时间,以便在学期开始前将款项送到和记棋牌娱乐. 这些资金的安排是学生和奖学金捐赠者的责任. 一般来说,西北航空公司不会为这些资金买单

Glossary of Terms and Definitions

  • Cost of Attendance (COA): The total amount (not including grants and scholarships) that it will cost you to go to school during the school year. COA includes tuition and fees; housing and food; and allowances for books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and dependent care. 它还包括杂项和个人费用, such as an allowance for the rental or purchase of a personal computer; costs related to a disability; and reasonable costs for eligible study-abroad programs. For students attending less than half-time, the COA includes tuition and fees; an allowance for books, supplies, and transportation; and dependent care expenses.
  • Direct Subsidized Loan: Loans that the U.S. 教育部在你上学期间至少支付一半的利息, 离开学校后的前六个月(称为宽限期*), 在延期期间(延期偿还贷款).
  • Direct Unsubsidized Loan:借款人在所有期间都有责任支付利息的贷款. If you choose not to pay the interest while you are in school and during grace periods and deferment or forbearance periods, 你的利息会累积起来,然后资本化, 你的利息将被加到你的贷款本金中。.
  • Expected Family Contribution: A number used by your school to calculate the amount of federal student aid you are eligible to receive. It is based on the financial information provided in your Free Application for Federal student Aid (FAFSA). 这不是你的家庭必须支付的大学学费, 也不是你将获得的联邦学生援助金额.
  • Federal Work-Study: A federal student aid program that provides part-time employment while the student is enrolled in school to help pay his or her education expenses. 学生必须在学校寻找并申请勤工俭学的工作. The student will be paid directly for the hours he or she works may not automatically be credited to pay for institutional tuition or fees. 你的收入不能超过学校在奖励年度颁发的总金额. 勤工俭学的工作机会因学校而异. Please note that Federal Work-Study earnings may be taxed in certain scenarios; however the income you earn will not be counted against you when calculating your Expected Family Contribution on the FASFA.
  • Grants and Scholarships:不需要偿还的学生援助资金. 助学金通常是基于需求的,而奖学金通常是基于成绩的. 有时你可能需要偿还部分或全部的补助金, for example, 一个学期还没结束你就退学了. 如果你用助学金或奖学金来支付你的生活费用, 你的奖学金金额可能会在你的纳税申报表上被计算为应税收入.
  • Loans必须连本带利偿还的借款. Loans from the federal government typically have a lower interest rate than loans from private lenders. Federal loans, 从最有利到最不利排列, are called Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and Parent PLUS Loans. 你可以在学生援助网站上找到更多关于联邦贷款的信息.gov.
  • Net Price: An estimate of the actual cost that a student and his or her family need to pay in a given year to cover education expenses for the student to attend a particular school. Net price is determined by taking the institution's cost of attendance and subtracting any grants and scholarships for which the student may be eligible.
  • Non-Federal Private Education Loan: A private education loan is a loan issued expressly for postsecondary education expenses to a borrower (either through the educational institution or directly to the borrower) from a private educational lender, rather than as a Title IV, 高等教育院校贷款由教育部提供.
  • Origination Fees:贷款人在处理新贷款申请时收取的预先费用. 这是对贷款到位的补偿. 贷款费用是贷款总额的一个百分比.
  • Parent Plus Loan: A loan available to the parents of dependent undergraduate students for which the borrower is fully responsible for paying the interest regardless of the loan status.
  • Teach Grant Program: Provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete course work needed to begin a career in teaching. 如果你不符合你的服务义务的要求, 您收到的所有TEACH补助金将转换为直接无补贴贷款. You must repay these loans in full, 利息由每次发放教资会补助金之日起计算. 服务义务信息可在
  • Tuition Payment Plan: A tuition payment plan offered by an institution may allow students to spread out their payments. It includes an extension of credit of 90 days or less in which the educational institution is the lender, 或一年或更短的期限,在此期限内,信贷支付将不适用利率.
  • VA Education Benefits: Benefits that help Veterans, service members, 以及他们有能力支付大学学费的家庭成员, finding the right school or training program, and getting career counseling. You can find more information here:

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